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Fairfield Hills Management 3/15/05
The Ad Hoc Fairfield Hills Management Committee held a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Chairman John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  John Reed, Richard Sturdevant, Amy Dent, Moira Rodgers, William Lavery, Donald Studley    ABSENT:  Robert Geckle

ALSO PRESENT:  Legislative Council Chairman Will Rodgers, Maria DeMarco (DeMarco, Murphy & Miles), Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Jan Andras (clerk), two members of public

Acceptance of Minutes:  Mr. Studley moved to approve minutes of the 2/15/05 meeting.  Ms. Ruby Johnson submitted an addition to her comments made during Public Participation – she commented “that the proposed Enabling Act had left out the approval by a referendum of the voters”.  Minutes were unanimously accepted as amended (Judge Lavery had not yet arrived).

Facilities Manager’s Report:  Ms. DeMarco reported that February was quiet on the campus.  Security staff has been reduced since there have been no break-ins for several months.  She is seeking estimates to waterproof buildings that are almost certain to be retained.

Plan for Utility Upgrade:  Newtown Public Works Director Fred Hurley showed maps showing the electrical system at Fairfield Hills.  We are currently operating off of the master meter from the state.  All circuits came out of the powerhouse and most wiring is underground.  We also have to supply power to off-site areas, such as the reservoir and water treatment facility.   When the power is switched off of the state system, we will try to lay out lines taking into consideration the buildings that are planned for demolition.

Professional Assistance – Limited Private Development defined by Master Plan: Chairman Reed understands that Planning & Zoning has not yet adopted the Master Plan but assumes that action will be taken shortly.  This committee is in existence to help the town carry out what is in that Master Plan.  At this point, this committee would not know how to proceed with private development, if a proposal came forward.  We need professional assistance for a study to tell us what costs a developer would have to put buildings into a usable condition.  We also need to look at what is “usable” space and a current market analysis.  He believes that this committee needs to recommend to the Board of Selectmen to develop an RFP for such a study.  Phase I would include a comprehensive report.  Mr. Studley asked that we would receive all information when Phase I is completed so that in Phase II we would have the option to go in a different direction.

Update on Selection of Project Management Firm:  Chairman Reed reported that we have received five responses to the RFP for a project management firm.  

Signage:  Chairman Reed has drafted signage that will be mailed to all committee members for their input.

CT Master Gardener Program:  Chairman Reed reported that UCONN has a Master Gardener program.  Possibly Fairfield Hills could be used as a project for design of plantings in different phases for the campus.  

Legislative Update:  State Representative Wasserman distributed copies of Raised Bill No. 6712 for an enabling act to allow towns to establish an authority to plan and implement development of a parcel of land.  Senator John McKinney testified at the hearing for this Bill.  Ms. Wasserman stated that a recent letter to The Bee raised issues regarding circumventing of the Charter.  Ms. Wasserman has informed the writer that this is “enabling” legislature to allow the legislative body of a town to create an ordinance.  If the town charter allows for a referendum to approve or disapprove an ordinance, this bill would not interfere with the provision.
        Legislative Council Chairman Will Rodgers expressed a strong recommendation that the enabling legislation NOT be modified to include a requirement for approval of an ordinance at a town meeting and/or referendum.  That would be circumventing the Charter itself.  The public is involved in the process.  
        Ms. Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road (who wrote letter to The Bee) stated that she wishes that “one and a half years ago after the defeat of the Master Plan, that the process for charter revision had occurred immediately”.  She supports the idea we need “some sort of management” but a charter revision would have been a better way of doing it.
        Mr. Sturdevant feels that the a few people who might be opposed to this proposed legislation misunderstand its intent.  The Authority will not be making policy.  There will be public hearings at every turn when changes are made to this campus.  He feels Mrs. Johnson is “missing the point”.  
        Ms. Dent pointed out that the subcommittee looked at a charter change, however, it could not be accomplished in a timely manner.  That is when it was decided to go with enabling legislation.  She resents the implication that this is being done to set aside the Charter.  That was never the point.

Public Participation:  Ms. Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, spoke regarding Woodbury Hall.  She feels that perhaps we should have paid more attention to the Walter Balter proposal for Fairfield Hills which stated that many of the buildings are obsolete for economic use.  She feels that we shouldn’t feel that we have to use Woodbury Hall.
        Mr. Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commission) asked to consider someone from the Parks & Recreation Commission to be part of the interview committee for a project management firm.  Chairman Reed stated that he would defer to the First Selectman to make that appointment.

Appointment to Interview Committee for Project Manager:  Members of  this committee who will serve on the interview committee will include John Reed, Robert Geckle, Moira Rodgers and Richard Sturdevant.  The first meeting will be held on March 24 at 4:45 in the management/security building.  Ms. DeMarco volunteered to review the proposals and to provide the standardized ranking forms for use by the interview committee.

Action:  Mr. Lavery  moved to recommend that the Board of Selectmen develop an RFP for professional assistance to help the town prepare for limited private development as described in the Master Plan.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

                                                        John Reed, Chairman